Friday 10 February 2012

Insect Surgery

I can't leave well enough alone

I have this problem: I like change.
I like change so much that I rarely let things stay the same. I want to modify, improve, alter, abandon and start fresh, upgrade, and rearrange. I do this with furniture, bicycles, guitars, my personality, my relationships, my career, my education. In many cases it helps and improves life (my wife and have the best relationship of any I know; my bike is perfect for my needs; my couch is positioned perfectly for optimal television viewing and guest conversations). There are some cases, however, where this habit of mine doesn't improve but it confuses or altogether diminishes the object or idea of manipulation (I've had amazing guitars and now I don't; studied Psych @ University and now have a hard time finding a career I love).

Insect Surgery

This personality quirk, eccentricity, annoyance, habbit, flaw... this thing is like insects performing surgery on eachother. It's well-intentioned but ultimately irrellevant. The life span of the insect is short and the surgery itself will kill the insect; there is no recovering. It's micromanagement in quinitscence. I admire people who have a well-defined path and contentedly move along that path with measured success.

I can't get no satisafaction?

It's not that I'm dissatisfied in life. It's quite the opposite. Life is good and I'm generally pretty happy. (I think I get my eternal optimism from my mother.) The problem is that my optimism paints everything with broad strokes of opportunity. I see good things with the potential for greatness and great things with the potential for amazingness (case-in-point: the word amazing has the potential to be used in other ways and to make friends with new suffixes, so if amazingness is not really a word then I just made it a word with my optimism).


I like change partly becasue I get bored easily. I like constant stimulation, not video games and loud music per-se, but my mind and body need to be engaged... a lot... all the time. I don't believe I have a deficit of attention but rather require many stimuli to be engaged. And when those stimuli fail to engage, then I must create new stimuli to get the job done. Now, I can be distracted with changing a light bulb on the way to doing the laundry and then set the oven the biscuits I'm going to make and pick up some toys and put them away in the meantime, check facebook, and answer an email about a bike part I'm trying to sell (constant bike tinkering is a symptom). Amazingly ( maybe just to me) I generally get all of those things done. I forget, from time to time, about some things on the list but the tinkering continues.

To the point

I am happy. I am happy with how things are and happy to change them too. Most aspects of life are good to great. I like to put a little polish on good and iron some of the wrinkles out of great. Does this make me crazy?

Your turn

A blog is great when it engages. So in light of this post about messin' wit' stuff I'd like to mess with blogging. Reader, can you relate? Do you make yourself or others with your idiosyncrasies?
Do tell...